Fiction, Poetry, and Essays

I Want You to Want Me
Fiction JTony Smith Fiction JTony Smith

I Want You to Want Me

I leaned back into the round, purple cushion wedged into the arm of the couch. It had a flower with long yellow tentacle like petals that seemed to wrap around my ribcage and hold me.

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To enby or not to be…
Essay JTony Smith Essay JTony Smith

To enby or not to be…

For my birthday this year, 2024, I am coming out as gender non-binary. This is something I've been noodling around in my head since I was a child, but only recently have been able to form the concepts and language into something coherent that actually fits.

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So here’s the rub…
Poetry JTony Smith Poetry JTony Smith

So here’s the rub…

When I was young, there was a moment
where I had to make a choice,
And it felt like the whole universe
was pointing the way
Like it was meant to be.

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The Ridiculousness of Online Dating
Fiction JTony Smith Fiction JTony Smith

The Ridiculousness of Online Dating

She was standing in the kitchen when I got home, leaning against the doorframe, phone in her hand. Her shaggy black coat was still on, her backpack hanging over both shoulders. 

Her keys were hung over her pinky on the hand holding the phone. Her other hand was sliding back and forth across the screen, first to the right, then to the left, then to the left again, then right, left, left, left. With each left hand slide the motion became bigger, more dramatic, until her arm made a full circle like Pete Townsend doing a windmill strum. With each circle she whispered a little, “no...”

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Fiction JTony Smith Fiction JTony Smith


He sits in his car, a red 2011 Toyota Carolla, parked close to the curb in front of her house.

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The Lighter
Fiction JTony Smith Fiction JTony Smith

The Lighter

He sits forward on the hard orange plastic seat, his shoulders over his knees like divers preparing to jump. His body rocks with the motion of the train car. His tie wiggles in his lap like a trained cobra preparing to rebel against the charmer.

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